List of Sound effects

Open metal accordion curtain (sound effects)

A sound effect that opens a metal accordion curtain....

Drag metal table (sound effects)

The sound effect of dragging a heavy metal table....

Airplane cabin white noise (sound effects)

This is the engine sound of an airplane that you hear during a flight....

Motorbike idling (sound effects)

Idling sound effect when the motorbike is stopped....

Snore (sound effects)

Snoring sound effect during sleep....

Bus running noise (sound effects)

The noise you hear when you are on the bus....

bummer! #3 (sound effects)

A shocking sound effect using Beethoven Symphony No. 5....

Bird flapping (sound effects)

A sound effect of a big bird flapping its wings....

Atmosphere of another world (sound effects)

Sound effects of the atmosphere of the afterlife....

Ghost approach (sound effects)

A sound effect that a ghost is approaching....

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