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Penalty game time (piano piece)

Composed by Cocoro Mashima The man with a fearless smile He shook his wand and cursed me....

Thinking time #9 (sound effects)

A thinking time sound effect that makes you rush when you are thinking in a quiz show....

Thinking time #8 (sound effects)

It's a glittering thinking time music while thinking about a quiz....

Game result (game music)

A short piece of music played on the screen of the result of the game. It can be used for the result...

Thinking time #7 (quiz music)

A thinking time sound effect that makes you rush when you are thinking in a quiz show....

Thinking time #6 (quiz music)

A thinking time sound effect that makes you rush when you are thinking in a quiz show. It can also b...

Thinking time #5 (quiz music)

Added wood base to thinking time 4....

Thinking time (Quiz music)

This is the music that thinking about in a quiz show....

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