List of Battle

Human hit (sound effects)

A sound effect that hits a person....

Monster voice #2 (sound effects)

A sound effect of a cute monster voice....

Sheathe a sword (sound effects)

A sound effect that sheathe a sword....

Take out sword (sound effects)

A sound effect that pulls out a sword....

Cat fight (sound effects)

A sound effect that cats fight....

Those who are waiting (battle music)

Fierce battle music by electric guitar. This is melodic music. * This music is a set of intro par...

Sword dance (battle music)

It's cool and speedy combat music, but not intense music. * This music is a set of intro and loop...

Poison magic (sound effects)

Sound effect when damaged by poison magic....

Fasten seat belt (sound effects)

The sound effect of fasting a car seat belt....

Moonlight escaper (Stylish music)

This music can be used for situations where you are in a tense situation in a game or when you need ...